Bulk sale
Our olive grove consists of 1,000 productive hectares (2,470 acres), where we use the latest technology and intensive farming techniques to achieve high crop yields and Extra Virgin Olive Oils of excellent quality.
Our harvest is a 24 hours a day work. Ensuring quality and productivity, the olives harvested are processed to obtain an Extra Virgin Olive Oil within the required values indicated by the International Olive Council (IOC).
One of our guiding principles is to start the harvest early, during the month of March, to obtain optimum organoleptic properties in our oils. With its 3 grinding lines, our own processing plant allows us to produce 35.000 kilos of Extra Virgin Olive Oil per day. Our high production volumes allow us to sell Extra Virgin Olive Oil in bulk in Argentina and abroad, with the authorization to export from our own plant. For all these reasons, we are convinced we have a product capable of satisfying a knowledgeable Extra Virgin Olive Oil demand.